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7 original wedding gifts to offer to the newly weds


If you are reading this article, it is certainly because the bride and groom have not sent you their wedding list and you have no idea what gift to give them. You are lucky, because we have selected for you the best wedding gifts to offer in2023 !

An olive tree to adopt – The ideal wedding gift for lovers of Mediterranean gastronomy

The concept is called Cuvée Privé allows you to adopt a tree, of course you can also offer it to your loved ones. The operation is simple: you pay a quarterly subscription and each season, the company sends you 2 bottles of exceptional organic olive oil personalized with the name of the person to whom you are going to offer it. A super original, symbolic wedding gift idea that will delight the taste buds of gourmets.

A food processor that will make their life easier – The ideal wedding gift for a couple moving in together

The purchase of household robots is undoubtedly what will weigh the heaviest in the budget of the newlyweds. It must be said that these robots make our lives easier, cleaning, preparing meals too. So at first, we wait and we mop the old-fashioned way, knees on the ground. Or we count on a great friend like you to offer us the must have in terms of household robot.

Don’t forget to ask the couple if they already have such and such a household robot, it will prevent them from ending up with 2 robots with the same function.

For those who like adventure, no I’m kidding  The survival kit is a wedding gift that adapts to all your desires. And its advantage is that it is infinitely customizable: according to your preferences, your budget, etc. Here is a non-exhaustive list of survival kits offered by @offreuncadeau , a service provider referenced on our platform:

A quality mattress for sweet dreams – The restful and restorative wedding gift

For a good night’s sleep, it’s the mattress that will make all the difference. And on the market, quality mattresses, you will find thousands of them.

Those that stand out with a score of 9.9/10 , the best-selling mattresses in 2019 and 2020, are those of the Emma brand .

What could be better than a restful sleep to start the day on the right foot?

For this gift, you must imperatively inform the couple. Do you ever know that they are planning a trip on the same dates or just so they can organize themselves to take vacation days. But to keep the surprise, I advise you to keep the destination to yourself. You can even have fun when they ask you what they should take in their suitcases  And if you are available on the day of departure, you can even play the Uber by dropping them off at the airport.

Depending on their preferences, you will have the choice between a relaxing holiday or a discovery holiday. But for a first trip together, the best choice is the idleness trip  Forget the travel boxes that will end up on Vinted, put on your travel agent cap and find them the best flight – hotel – activity deals.

A wedding benefit to reduce the couple’s expenses

When the wedding date approaches, the bride and groom are drowned in bills. They will no doubt be very happy to be able to rely on a friend/family member to finance a service or to carry it out themselves. So roll up your sleeves if you are of a manual nature or take care of the photobooth rental for example

A silver envelope – The wedding gift for those who don’t know what to give

And if despite all these ideas, you still don’t know what to offer them, you can opt for the last option: money. Some couples put all their savings into the wedding, so they end up with little money for their honeymoon. If this is the case for these bride and groom, stop thinking and go for it. But be careful  here are some ideas to make the experience more original:


In general, it is better to offer one useful and carefully chosen wedding gift rather than several trinkets that will end up at the bottom of a drawer. Also, don’t forget to take into account the tastes of the couple

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