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How to take care of your skin in winter sports


Winter sports are sport for your thighs. And for your skin: high altitude, cold, wind and sun reflecting off the snow. Your skin needs to be pampered to be in shape, too!

Protect her before hitting the slopes

The high altitude, the cold and the wind will dry out your skin. She’s going to need more hydration than usual. After cleansing in the morning, apply a hydrating serum plus a thick layer of a rich moisturizer. The serum will hydrate the skin more deeply thanks to its light texture. The rich moisturizer will create a protective film to keep your skin from drying out as you hit the slopes like a pro. Take in your toiletry bag our Hyaluronic Acid + Panthenol Serum as well as our Rich Face Moisturizer . Your skin will thank you.

Who says snow and mountain, says sun which hits hard and burns the skin. In addition, apply sun protection with a minimum factor of 50 to your skin and lips. UV rays come from everywhere: the sky and the snow reflect them. Your skin risks burns, and also to be damaged in the long term. The sun is great, and at the same time it creates dark spots and wrinkles. Apply your sunscreen every 2 hours. Also think about your sunglasses, useful for style and to protect your eyes.

During your stay, because the sun is very strong, stop using your products containing Vitamin C or AHAs. They sensitize the skin to the sun. Although an SPF50 applied after products containing these ingredients protects the skin well, prevention is better than cure.

In the evening, take advantage of the post-ski shower to wash your face, ridding it of impurities, excess sunscreen, and maybe even a piece of cheese hidden in your beard, if you have one. Hydrate your skin immediately with our Rich Face Moisturizer. Your skin will be soothed after a very exposed day.

Avoid showers or baths that are too hot. The urge will be strong after a day in the cold. However, the strong alternation between the cold outside and the too hot water will weaken your skin, creating redness, tightness and possibly leading to pimples. Stressed skin reacts strongly to external aggressions! Choose a lukewarm shower or bath. Compensate with a hot drink!

Once back home from the mountain, what do I do?

When you get home, go back to your usual routine. If you don’t have any, the main thing is to cleanse the skin on your face and moisturize it. If you didn’t follow our advice during your stay (it happens, we don’t blame you!), cleanse and moisturize your skin once a day. If your skin pulls, has redness. Use gentle products. If your skin needs more hydration following your stay, follow up with a rich moisturizer. Otherwise, go back to your usual moisturizer. You have the keys to enjoying winter sports while taking care of your skin. Your turn now ! Send us your photos of you on the slopes!

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