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Changing Lifestyle

Changing Lifestyle: 9 Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle


Adjusting to a healthier lifestyle is much easier said than done. Good intentions are only intentions, it becomes much more complicated when you have to put them into action, eat less and do more sport.

But we’re here to help with these tips for keeping your goals in sight and helping you achieve them.

1. Set more concrete goals

If you really want to make a serious change, then you’re going to have to break things down into manageable categories. Fitness, nutrition and wellness are three good Changing Lifestyle cuts to start with.

You can then start thinking about what you want to accomplish in those categories.

– Going to the gym regularly is a good start, but telling yourself to go three or four times a week will work best.

– Eating well is too vague once again. Telling yourself that you want to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day and limit yourself to one cheat per week is much clearer.

A clearer idea lets you know where to start and makes these changes easier to endure initially.

2. Have a good network of supporters

Of course, there is a much better chance of seeing you at the gym more often if you meet a friend there. If you create a dynamic where you both work together, a sense of duty to that other person will set in and give you extra motivation. There are going to be plenty of times when you want to stay warm at home more than go to the gym. But an hour later, after having a big session with your friend, you will have this great feeling of satisfaction and you will say to yourself that it was worth it.

– With people to support you, you will feel much less alone in your fight. Especially when you go out with friends, it is better that those around you understand you so that you are not seen as the killjoy.

– Sharing this lifestyle with someone can increase motivation while helping to push your limits and avoid crashes on the diet.

3. Rewards

The temptation is often very strong, but allowing yourself a small reward from time to time is a good way to control it. If you’ve planned in advance that the chocolate bar in the cupboard will be for Wednesday night at 9 p.m. after a big leg workout, it will taste a whole lot better knowing you’ve earned it. It will also save you from eating two or three at the office while you think about other things.

Living healthy doesn’t mean living like a monk either, so make sure you’re enjoying yourself and not torturing yourself with the slightest deviation.

– A drink or two in the week will not make a big difference if you stay disciplined on the other days. It will also work your willpower and teach you to appreciate the little pleasures in life.

4. Start slow and not too much at once

Stick a note on the fridge saying “the change is now”, throw away all your alcohol, break all your cigarettes, replenish your stock of vegetables and go straight to the gym.

I’m willing to bet it won’t even take a week to go back to all your bad habits! And why this ? You wanted to do too much from the start! No need to torture yourself!

– Set a goal to start with and give yourself a few weeks to get there. The good thing about lifestyle upgrades is that they can happen any time of the year. You have plenty of time to make small changes that will be much more effective than a drastic change that will only last a few days.

5. Tell the difference between a slip and a failure

Finishing work late, having a lousy day from start to finish, and not having time to cook in the evening can put off the bravest of us. And cracking at this moment can make you think that the whole day is a failure and your diet is ruined.

This kind of all-or-nothing attitude is a surefire way to set yourself up for failure. You may think you have control over your life, but things don’t always go as planned.

– A gap can be made up in many ways. It only becomes a failure if you refuse to go back to your good habits the next day.

6. Be consistent

Unfortunately, some of us really can’t plan our schedules in advance. However, there is always a way to find time and if you are consistent it quickly becomes a habit. Consistency is the key difference between those who stick to their resolutions and those who give up.

We can all try to embark on a project and quickly be distracted or decide that there is more important in life. If you miss a week at the gym, it will be much harder to go back once the weekend is over. It’s easier to stay on track and change the drudgery of the session into a habit and then, over time, into pleasure!

7. Take notes and be organized

Taking some time to organize yourself before an activity makes it less stressful and you’ll get a lot more out of it. It’s easy to forget about the vegetables you need and indulge in the cookie aisle if you haven’t prepared a shopping list in advance.

Let’s say you’ve filled your crisper and want to use it all up rather than throwing rotten cucumbers and old spinach leaves in the trash.

– Planning your meals is a good way to make the most of your food and avoid waste. In addition, this will once again avoid gaps and allow you to refine your silhouette while preserving the bank account.

– Beyond these benefits, noting one’s small accomplishments and comparing one’s current form with the past is a very good process of improvement. It’s therapeutic and helps you move forward.

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